Thursday, January 30, 2014

SOLVED: SSRS report deployment error in AX 2012

We often encounter the following error while trying to deploy the standard AX 2012 SSRS reports. 

"You do not have privileges to deploy to server: "Server Name". For deployment, you must have administrative rights to the SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) server. Contact your administrator to deploy."

This error is basically because of some Admin rights issue. Figuring out a solution for the error can be a task, rather we can follow the following workaround. Though its not a best practice/recommended, but it works.


Try the following command while publishing the default reports

For All Reports : "Publish-AXReport -ReportName * -SkipReportServerAdminCheck"
For Single Report : "Publish-AXReport -ReportName CustTransList -SkipReportServerAdminCheck"

Hope this helps.


  1. Hi Nishant,

    I deployed report using above command and I got the following error while opening report.

    Error while setting server report parameters. Error message: The item '/DynamicsAX/testCustReport.Report' cannot be found. (rsItemNotFound)

    -- Sandesh

  2. Please follow the below steps.

    1. Open development workspace(Ctrl+W).

    2. Open AOT.

    3.Navigate "AOT->SSRS Reports->"YourNewReport" node.

    4.Right click "YourNewReport" node,select "deploy element".
